Hunting, horses etc, a small collection, including Sir Alfred Munnings: 'The Autobiography. An Artist's Life, 1950; The Second Burst, 1951; The Finish, 1952'. All first editions, original cloth, with unclipped dust jackets; R.S.Surtees. Handley Cross or Mr Jorrock's Hunt. Illustrated by Cecil Aldin. [1911]. Volume One. Colour plates, &c. Original cloth; another copy of the same; (Surtees) Robert Smith Surtees (Creator of "Jorrocks") 1803-1864. By Himself and E.D.Cuming. 1924. Plates. Original cloth; Fleuron. The Wild Horses of Iceland. Illus Cecil Aldin. [1933]. Original cloth; Cecil Aldin. Time I Was Dead. Pages from My Autobiography. New York, 1934. Plates by Aldin. Original cloth, rebacked retaining backstrip; Cecil Aldin. Hunting Scenes. Forty Sketches of Hunting Scenes and Counties selected and arranged by ... With a Memoir ... by "Sabretache". 1936. 4to. Original two-tone cloth; Heiberg. White-Ear and Peter. The Story of a Fox and a Fox-Terrier. With 16 Coloured Plates by Cecil Aldin. 1912. Original cloth gilt; A.F Bettinson & W.Outram Tristram (Eds). The National Sporting Club Past and Present. 1901. Photographic plates. Original paper over boards gilt, spine worn; R.D.Blackmore. Lorna Doone. Illustrated with 24 line-drawings and 8 colour plates by Lionel Edwards. 1951. Original cloth, dust jacket; John Mills. The Sportsman's Library. 1845. Litho plates. Original cloth; plus 1 other (14)