(Clover Hill Press, Douglas Cleverdon.) 'Mercurius Bristoliensis or, A Faithful Summary of some Newsbooks, 1641-1650, offered for sale by Douglas Cleverdon.', Bristol, Printed by Douglas Cleverdon at the Clover Hill Press December, 1935, short list of early newsbooks produced "...to the notice of librarians and collectors...this list is offered as the first specimen of printing from the Clover Hill Press. On this press (an Albion of 1849) Douglas Cleverdon will print, from time to time, small limited editions which he hopes will prove agreeable to collectors of modern fine printing.", [8]pp, unstitched copy, together with 'Printing of Distinction - An Announcement from Frank Hucker Printer Hill Street, Bristol 1', [nd], c.1930's, scarce announcement/prospectus/package of Frank Hucker's printing, introduction by Douglas Cleverdon "To the members of the Clifton Arts Club. I have considerable pleasure in recommending the services of Frank Hucker for the printing of all kinds of stationery... Frank (as he is more popularly know) spent several months last summer at Eric Gill's press at Pigotts, where he acquired a sound knowledge of the craft of printing. He is now working on my private press - the Clover Hill Press - from which will be issued, from time to time, limited editions of interest to collectors of fine printing...", [4]pp folding booklet with various examples of Frank Hucker stationer/letterpress printing loosely inserted (2)