William Macdonald Sinclair (1850-1917), Archdeacon of London, eminent Anglican priest, author, Freemason Grand Chaplain, a collection of 13 titles by him, all gifted by him to Repton School Library and with contemporary corresponding inscriptions by him to first blanks of each book "For Repton School Library with all best wishes from William Sinclair, Archdeacon of London. Chapter House, St. Paul's Cathedral - 23 May, 1902", including 'The Psalms: The Authorised Version in the Original Rhythm', London, Hatchards, 1879, 1st edition, 'The Servant of Christ', L, Elliot Stock, 1892, 'Words to the Laity', L, Nisbet, 1895, 1st edition, 'Simplicity in Christ', L, Constable, 1896, 1st edition, etc etc, uniform contemporary half vellum gilt, leather gilt title labels to spines, top edges gilt, others uncut, Repton School Library bookplates to front pastedowns, these each further inscribed by Sinclair at foot "Presented by Archdeacon Sinclair (O.R.) May 1902 (13)