A collection of Modern Age comic books by Marvel, DC, Image Comics, Dark Horse and others, including 'Kroma' #1-4, 'The Closet' #1-3, 'Twig' #1-5, 'A Town Called Terror' #1-6, 'Specs' #1-4, 'Old Dog Redact One' #1-6, 'Shazam!' vol.5 #1-4, 'The Last Book You Will Ever Read' #1-8, 'Refrigerator Full Of Heads' #1-6, 'Night Walkers' #1-5, 'The Me You Love In The Dark' #1-5, 'The Rush' #1-6, 'Batman The Imposter' #1-3, 'Clear' #1-3, 'The Ward' #1-4, 'Eat The Rich' #1-5, 'Spirit World' vol.2 #1-6, 'Trover Saves The Universe' #1-5, 'Lucky Devil' #1-4, 'We Only Find Them When They're Dead' #1-4, Blade, Batman, Spider-Man, Exorsisters, Suicide Squad, Avengers, Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine etc. (approx. 150, most bagged and boarded)