A collection of assorted cookery, culinary & gastronomy titles, including 'Kettner's Book of the Table. A Manual of Cookery Practical, Theoretical, Historical', London, Kettners Ltd, 1912 reprint, [20],500pp, specimen menus and adverts at front, original pictorial cloth, André L. Simon: 'A Dictionary of Gastronomy', L, The Wine and Food Society, [1949], 264pp, original cloth gilt, dust wrapper, Bernard Darwin: 'Receipts and Relishes, being a Vade Mecum for the Epicure in the British Isles', L, The Maldrett Press, 1950, 20 leaves of colour maps as called for, orig. pictorial boards, dust wrapper (worn), 'Ochtertyre House Booke of Accomps 1737-1739', edited James Colville, Edinburgh, Scottish History Society, 1907, original cloth gilt, Edouard de Pomiane: 'Vingt Plats Qui Donnent La Goutte', Paris, Piperazine Midi, 1935, b/w ills. by André Giroux throughout, orig. pictorial boards, 'American Cookery Formerly The Boston Cooking-School Magazine', Boston, MA, 10 assorted issues April 1915-October1937, each original pictorial wraps, A. Escoffier & P.H. Gilbert: 'Larousse Gastronomique', Paris, Librairie Larousse, 1938, fascicules 1-68 consecutive, numerous plates/ills, each original printed wraps, etc etc (92)