Victorian literature etc., 5 various titles, including Frances Trollope: 'The Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong, the Factory Boy', London, Henry Colburn, 1840, 1st one volume edition, published the same year as the first 3 vol. edition, engraved frontis + plates by Hervieu, 387pp, contemporary half green morocco gilt; Charles Lever: 'The O'Donoghue; A Tale of Ireland Fifty Years Ago', Dublin, William Curry, 1845, 1st edition, frontis + engraved plates by H.K. Browne, 410pp, old half calf gilt; Augustus Mayhew: 'Paved with Gold, Or the Romance and Reality of the London Streets', L, Chapman & Hall, 1858, 1st edition in book form, engraved frontis & plates by H.K. Browne, 408pp, original blindstamped cloth gilt (worn); plus 'Evenings at Haddon Hal', 1846, frontis + engraved plates by George Cattermole, original blindstamped decorative cloth gilt, all edges gilt, and a circa mid 19th Century 'Boy's Own Book', lacks all before p.9, content/engraved illustrations of various sports including Rackets, Football, Cricket, various minor sports, indoor sports, sports with toys etc, plus chapters/ills. Domestic Fowls, Magnetic Amusements, tricks with cards etc etc, contemporary half calf gilt (5)