(Science, Medicine, Astrology, Occult, Witchcraft etc.) A Re...




(Science, Medicine, Astrology, Occult, Witchcraft etc.) A Renaissance library, twelve C16th-C18th mainly Italian texts, including (Demonology, Magic, Occultism, Witchcraft.) Strozzi Cigogna (1568-1605): 'Del palagio de gl'incanti, et delle gran merauiglie de gli spiriti, & di tutta la natura : Diuiso in libri XXXXV. & in III. prospettiue. Spirituale, celeste, et elementare / di Strozzi Cigogna gentilhuomo Vincention, theologo, filososo, & dottor di leggid, & nuncio della Citta di Vicenza', Brescia, Appresso Francesco Tebaldino, 1605, 1st edition,[40],623,[1]pp, wood engraved device on title page, decorative woodcut initials, 8vo, old paper covered boards, m/s title to spine. First edition of the author’s most important work on occultism (The first edition of 1605 was published simultaneously, by four different publishers, in Venice and Brescia.) Strozzi Cigogna (1568-1605) studied law at Padua; a late humanist, he devoted himself to poetry and philosophy, achieving lasting fame with ‘Il Palagio degl’incanti’, published in 1605. It is a treatise on daemonology—a winning combination of ancient and Scholastic theories on god, the nature and origin of the world, with a Renaissance interest towards pagan, Christian, Hermetic and Cabalistic ideas, and a wealth of learned and popular anecdotes. Some of these Cicogna had heard from the archpriest of Barbarano, near his hometown Vicenza, who recounted supernatural events which had happened to him (‘Storia popolare d’Italia’, VII, 163). ‘The most comprehensive and original treatise on angelic beings ever written in early modern Europe’ (Maggi, ‘Company of Demons’, 17). Robert Burton drew heavily from Cigogna’s work for his ‘Anatomy of Melancholy’; one of Cigogna’s anecdotes inspired a poem by the English Gothic novelist Matthew Gregory Lewis; Paul Dubé: 'Il medico de' poveri, trattato prattico che insegna il modo di curare qualsivogliano infirmità humane per via di medicamenti di niuna, o pochissima spesa... [The Doctor for the Poor]', Bassano, Gio. Antonio Remondini, 1734, 420pp, Pt. [2] (p. [349]-420) has special title page: Il chirurgo de' poveri with wood engraved printers device, 12mo, contemporary paper covered boards (worn); Jeronimo Cortez: 'Stock image for O Non Plus Ultra do Lunario, e Pronostico Perpetuo, Geral e Particular para Todos Os Reinos e Provincias (Classic Reprint) (Portuguese Edition) for sale by GF Books, Inc.
Stock Image
O Non Plus Ultra do Lunario, e Pronostico Perpetuo, Geral e Particular para Todos Os Reinos e Provincias [The Incomparable Lunary]', Lisbon, Francisco Borges de Sousa, 1768, [8],312pp, wood engraved illustration to title page and wood engraved ills. to text throughout, 16mo, old calf gilt (worn); Raimondo Lullo: 'Di Natura della Quinta Essentia [Concerning the Five Principles]', c.1700, a/f, lacks title page, ff.[27],151, also includes the work Albertus Magnus 'Filosofo Clarissimo de Minerali, & di cose Metalliche', wood engraved ills. in text, contemporary m/s notes to margins of some leaves, 16mo, contemporary vellum. Lullo or Lully was a 13th Century Catalan philosopher and this book enunciates his philosophical principles. Albertus Magnus was a 13th Century German Dominican friar, philosopher, scientist, and bishop; Timoteo Rosselli: 'De' secreti universali parte prima [e seconda][Concerning Secrets of the Universe]', Venice, 1644, 2 parts in 1, ff.[8],136,[8],132, 16mo, contemporary calf gilt; Guillaume Budé: 'Trattato delle monete e valuta loro, ridotte dal costume antico, all'vso moderno ... Tradotto per Gio. Bernardo Gualandi [Treatise on money and the value of gold]', Florence, Appresso i Giunti, 1562, [8],309,[11]pp, 16mo, contemporary vellum; Atanagio Cavalli: 'Delle Apparizioni, ed Operazioni de' Spiriti, Dissertazione. [Concerning apparitions and the workings of spirits]', Milan, Federico Agnelli, 1765, CCLXIXpp., contemporary vellum; Florian Canale Breciano: 'De' secreti universali raccolti, et esperimentati trattati nove : ne' quali si hanno rimedii per tutte l'infermità de' corpi humani. Come anco de' cavalli, bovi, & cani. Con molti secreti appartenenti all'arte chemica, agricoltura, & caccie come nell'indice alfabetico', Brescia, Bartolomeo Fontana, 1613, [24],269pp, contemporary vellum worn; Leonardo Fioravanti: 'Dello specchio di scientia vniversale / dell'eccell. Dottore ... M. Leonardo Fioravanti Bolognese', Venice, Per il Valentini, 1624, ff.[16],347, 16mo, contemporary vellum; plus 3 others similar (all appear to be lacking title pages) (12)

Auction Date: 30th Nov 2023 at 10am

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Thu 30th Nov 2023 10am (Lots 6001 to 6415)