John G. Millais: 'Far Away Up the Nile', London, Longmans, 1924, 1st edition, 50 plates/map complete, original cloth gilt. John Millais, with his son Raoul, were in the Sudan hunting for buffalo, giant eland, roan, white-eared kob, and crocodile. Also contains good section on swamp game and Nubian ibex; plus 4 others big game and hunting, comprising G. Elliot Smith: 'Elephants and Ethnologists', L, Kegan Paul, 1924, 52 ills., orig. quarter cloth gilt, Webber: 'The Forests of Upper India', L, Edward Arnold, 1902, orig. cloth gilt, Wilson: 'Sport and Service in Assam and Elsewhere', L, Hutchinson, 1924, frontis + 19 ills. complete, orig. cloth gilt, Hutchinson: 'Big Game Shooting', 1905, 2 volumes, illustrations, orig. cloth gilt (6)