(Fleece Press.) Simon Lawrence: 'Dunbar Hay Ltd 1935-40 & the achievements of Cecilia Dunbar Kilburn', Upper Denby, The Fleece Press, 2016, limited edition, one of 150 standard copies from a total edition of 270, illustrated throughout with numerous colour and b/w plates (several tipped in/folding), content/ills. including Eric Ravilious, Tirzah Garwood, Enid Marx etc, 4to, original quarter cloth over patterned paper covered boards based on an unidentified Dunbar Hay cloth sample, printed paper label to spine; 'Ravilious for Curwen: A glimpse of joy from 1933', The Fleece Press, 2015, limited edition, one of 120 copies only, large electrotype frontispiece of Ravilious' 'fireworks' design for The Curwen Press News Letter 6, and a proof from the original woodblock in pocket as called for, original striking marbled paper wrappers made by Jemma Lewis, printed paper title label to front cover; W.J. Hopkins; Eric Gill: 'Dilige Deum. Love God and Do What You Will: The story of an inscription cut in Beer stone by Eric Gill as a gift for Lucy Wertheim', The Fleece Press, 2016, limited edition, one of 185 copies only, tipped in illustrations from photographs and colour plates (some folding) as called for, oblong 8vo (approx. 15 x 19cm), original Japanese stab binding using four different paste papers made by Sage Reynolds (this copy a red/pink/brown check pattern), printed paper title label to front cover; 'Our Village: Six hand-printed wood engravings cut by Joan Hassall in 1947', The Fleece Press, [2011], limited edition, one of 100 copies offered for sale only from a total edition of 130, [16]pp, oblong small format (9 x 14cm) original marbled paper wraps by Jemma Lewis; Thomas Churchyard: 'The Whole Benefits that Paper Brings, by Thomas Churchyard
Written in 1588, with engravings by Anthony Christmas', The Fleece Press, 2002, limited edition, one of 185 standard copies only from a total edition of 285, oblong small format/miniature book (approx. 4.5 x 8cm), orig. patterned paper covered boards; Kathleen Lindsley: 'The Country Life', The Fleece Press, 1997, limited edition, one of 300 copies only, small format/miniature book (app. size 6.5 x 5cm), orig. decorative cloth gilt by Smith Settle, printed paper label to spine; together with 'Books from The Fleece Press displayed at six Hereford and Worcester libraries', Fleece Press, 1995, one of 600 copies, wood engraving by Joan Hassall, orig. stitched wraps, 'Simon Lawrence and the Fleece Press 1980-1995', bibliography by Ian Rogerson, 1996, orig. pictorial wraps, some relevant material loosely inserted, plus an editioned hand coloured wood engraving by John Lawrence entitled 'All Afloat: Coat', pencil signed by Lawrence and dated 1994, 44/60, printed area approx. 12 x 15cm (9)