Eight late 19th Century children's titles, including Walter Crane: 'The Baby's Bouquet', L, Routledge, [1878], colour illustrated by Crane throughout, oblong, orig. cloth backed pictorial boards, plus 2 others Walter Crane; Eliza Keary; J.G. Sowerby & Thos. Crane (ill.): 'At Home Again', L, Marcus Ward, c.1886, colour litho ills. throughout, rebacked original pictorial paper covered boards; W. Ralston & C.W. Cole: 'Tippoo: A Tale of a Tiger', L, Routledge, [nd], c.1886, 27,[1]pp, orig. pictorial wraps (worn); together with 3 others similar including Ernest Nister, plus an earlier 20th Century edition of Kate Greenaway's Painting Book (9)