NAPOLEON ON ST HELENA, a collection of manuscript papers rel...




NAPOLEON ON ST HELENA, a collection of manuscript papers relating to the exile of Napoleon I (1769-1821) on St Helena, 1817-1818, including several manuscript letters bearing the signature "Le Comte Bertrand" (General Henri-Gatien Bertrand 1773-1844), Grand Marechal, head of the Military Household of emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, whom he followed in both the exiles to Elba and Saint-Helena, including the following letter "Copy/ Letter from Count Bertrand to the Governor Sir Hudson Lowe, Longwood 26 April 1818...I haveth honor to send you a letter...your officers which...within this half hour...the Emperor receive it. You alone are charged with the ---- of the restrictions which the ---- of the 11 of April authorised your Government to ---- and it does not ---- --- to delegate your power. I was going to send a reply to your letter of the 21 ---- only received -------- I shall withhold it until you let me know if you require one. In the meantime I cannot avoid calling to your attention[?] that this day the 26 that -- for 14 days the Emperor has ---- continues deprived of medical attention[?]. There are the words expected by the Prince -- Doctor O'Meara when he came to take his leave of him on the 14th. They have had the ---- to attack my ---- you no longer enjoy that independence which is necessary for your assistance[?] to be of service to me. If then it is --- - ------ that you do not want to eprive the Emperor of his doctor ---- to him his rights & character[?] until the ------ of your Government shall arrive. I have the honor to be sir forever humble & most obedient servant ---- Le Comte Bertrand", this copy of a letter in two halves, plus several other letters presumably copies of letters by Henri Gatien Bertrand bearing signatures "Le Comte Bertrand", these also cut and in parts, mainly in the same hand, two in a different hand, both stated as being to Sir Hudson Lowe, Governor, one headed "Copy/ to the Governor! Longwood July 28th 1818", a/f, worn, the other on 1817 watermarked paper "In the name of the Emperor Napoleon I am ---- to protest 1. Against all visitation of the ----[?].... 2. Against the injuries done to Dr. O'Meara to oblige him to leave this place and against the obstructions open or covert which you have on many occasion to prevent Napoleon's being assisted in his disorder with the ---- and opinion of a medical practitioner in whom he may have confidence, accredited[?] to that service by this Britannic Majesty, or admitted to publicly exercise his junctions in the island. Against the ----, ---- and writings of the militia officer Lyster, who is only stationed at Longwood as an instrument of hatred and vengeance....Le Cte. Bertrand", another autograph note/letter, unknown hand, similar watermarked chain laid paper, bearing "Np" or "NB" signature in initials flourish to verso and dated 15 July 1818 below, another manuscript paper/letter in a different hand "Note written in the margin of Sir Thos Reades Letter to Count Bertrand Dated the 25th April 1818 - 1)I gave you to understand yesterday when you presented the letter to me that I would not condescend[?] to notice it and that you need not translate it to me, since it is not in the form which has been observed for three years 2) This fresh outrage only dishonours this ----, The King of England alone is entitled to treat with me upon an equality - 3) This crafty proceeding has one object, to prevent your exposing the criminal plot they have been contriving against my life for these two years past 4) Thus it is that affecting to open the doors to ch---- and complaints they shut them the closer 5) Thus it is that affecting a willingness to provide lodging and build a home for me, I have been kept three years in this unhealthy barn and no building has been yet commenced 6) Thus it is that affecting to allow me the liberty of riding on horseback they prevent me from so doing and from taking exercise by indirect means hence the primary cause of my illness... 9) Thus it is they are guilty of a characteristic falsehood in causing bulletins to be offered[?] by a Physician who has never seen me and who is ignorant both of my constitution and disorder but is well calculated to deceive the Prince and people of England - and of Europe", [2]pp, manuscript heading verso "Copy of letter from Napoleon Bonaparte April 27th 1818", this appears to continue on another leaf "10) They indulge in a ferocious smile, at the fresh sufferings this deprivation of the ------ of --- adds to this tedious agony - 11) Destine[?] this note to be sent to Lord Liverpool, and also your letter of yesterday.... that the Prince Regent mayknow who my assassin is and be able to publickly punish him 12) If he does not I bequeath the opprobrium of my death to the Reigning head of England. Signed Napoleon Longwood April 27th 1818", etc etc, with part of a contemporary envelope bearing manuscript words "Papers Relating to the exile of Napoleon at S[t Helena] Bonaparte with his own - Signatures -". All on laid paper, various watermarks, including Britannia watermark, "Gater 1815", "Superfine 1818" etc

Auction Date: 1st Dec 2022 at 10am

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