(India, Punjab – Travel of Russian Prince to Persia.) Prince...




(India, Punjab – Travel of Russian Prince to Persia.) Prince Alexis Soltykoff: 'Voyage en Perse', Paris, Victor Lecou, 1854, 3rd edition, 22 tinted lithograph plates as called for, 164pp, contemporary green cloth gilt. Prince Aleksei Dmitrievich Saltykov (Alexis Soltykoff) (1806-1859) was a Russian artist and traveller in Persia and India. After a relatively brief career in the Russian diplomatic services, Soltykoff moved to Paris in 1840, where he planned his voyages to India and Persia. More common is Soltykoff's travelogue of India, containing lithographs after his drawings of scenes and people observed during his travels there. The present volume deals with the time Prince Soltykoff spent in Persia in 1838 at the end of his diplomatic career. These exquisite, impressing lithographs depicting people and scenes in such places as New Delhi, Madras, Ceylon, Calcutta, Lahore, the Himalayas and other places. Soltykoff visited Punjab during the reign of Maharajah Sher Singh, and his lithos includes Akalis entering Lahore; Voyage on the plains of the Punjab; and Maharajah Sher Singh riding on a elephant with his troops.

Auction Date: 27th Feb 2024 at 10am

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Sale Dates:
Tue 27th Feb 2024 10am (Lots 7001 to 7343)